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3ds Max at a Glance

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free 3ds Max ebook
eBook Description

This ebook is certainly not an encyclopedia of 3ds Max, but as its cover says, it shows you all the major features of 3ds Max “at a glance.” Although the free 3ds Max ebook is compact, we’ve tried to pack a lot of good information on 3ds Max into a small space. You should be able to flip open the ebook and see most of the pertinent information on a topic within a single set of pages. For those just learning 3ds Max, I have also added tutorials at the end of each chapter to give you hands-on coverage of some of the more-important tasks covered in the free 3ds max book. By reading through each chapter and working through the tutorials, 3ds Max at a Glance can also be used as an introductory course for those learning 3ds Max.

Ideally, this free 3ds Max ebook will appeal to those just getting started in 3ds Max as well as those with experience who need a handy reference. Whatever category you fall into, I hope you enjoy 3ds Max at a Glance.

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eBook Details

Paperback 225 pages
Publisher Sybex
Release Date December 17, 2007
ISBN 0470179848
